Tuesday, December 27, 2011

"The Beavers of Insanity"

There are "Beavers of Insanity" all around you. And of course, me.

I may be one of them. At times. Maybe.
There are the little beavers. And big beavers. Don't forget about the ones in between either.
They may be under your bed, hidden in your messy closet, or sitting in you desk chair.

What are they?

You know. I know. She knows. They know. We all know.

And then the beaver ate you.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Oh boy...What have I done?

I have joined pinterest.

It's been 24 hours.

I'm already addicted to it.

I love it.

Hold on a moment, I must go pin this to my board.

Monday, December 5, 2011

This December. It may begin.

Ah. You see, it is the month of December. It is a month of many things, really.

The holidays of course. (That's always on the top of the list). But there is much more December brings to our lives.

Like cold, frigid winters for example. Guess what? It is coming. I can feel it. There was frost on the ground this morning. It was most wonderful on the bottom on my boots. (If I was wearing boots that is.) And ice in the cracks of the sidewalks. Also there was a dozen or more people who would speak outside, accompanied by that smoke stuff. (That is the official sign of the cold. The smoke stuff coming out of your mouth.)

And giving. Give, give, give, give. Yes. I'm being blunt about it. Do it. And blog about the wonderful feelings you get in the pit of your stomach as you do so. (Want to know a secret? I get more excited about the presents I give then the ones I receive. I look forward to the look on the faces of those I give to especially. Try it. I dare you. It's a joy.)

Then there is the warmth. Ah. The mittens, and sweaters, and boots, and long socks, and scarves, and coats. I absolutely adore it. And the hot liquids of cider and hot chocolate. It warms the stomach really. (Well somethings got to, right? The stomach gets lonely if it doesn't have a winter accessory too.)

And the singing. There are many types of 'song' if you will. There are those obnoxious advertisement jingles. There are the cheesy Christmas swings. There are the traditional Christmas songs that are sung by famous people and get a lot of hits and I don't understand why. (You've heard those songs for your whole life and now they are better because Justin Bieber sang it? It is disgusting. Yes. If you don't like the song, you don't like it! Or if you do, you don't like it more just because some kid sings it while wearing a Santa hat, okay?) And then the Christmas praises. They are the beautiful songs that are sung by choirs and churches and the good kind of caroling people.

It is also the month of light. The light is everywhere. On the housetops (Like our house. We have one festive string. Wow. Way to go Smith family!), the store windows (Mostly commercial. But still light.), Temple Square (Amazing. I love it. Go.), and the people (The people are my favorite. You can see them glowing. Really. Look. It is spectacular!)

And the month of happiness. There is happiness everywhere. There are smiles everywhere. (If you do the December month and Christmas holiday right, it the "hap-happiest time of the year!" You just feel so good. All the time. No matter where you go! Except those places where everyone complains about money and gift giving and snow. That is not the right way to celebrate this season people! (If you find yourself in that kind of a situation, get out. You need to feel good about that stuff those people don't feel good about. Be positive! and be on your way!) Smile and everyone and pass out candy canes or something. I'm going to.

So may your holiday begin with a wonders and dreams and happiness! Pass it on. And give all you can. Do it.

Monday, November 21, 2011

It comes...on Thursday.

Oh my. The time is almost here. For the wonderful holiday. That is all about food. And getting fat. And passing out. And feeling sick. And eating leftovers-good leftovers-for weeks afterwards.


Is almost upon us.

This is probably the time when I would say something like only 34 days until Christmas. But I'm not gunna say that. I'm gunna give Thanksgiving a little break. It's important too.

In fact, it's one of my favorite holidays. And not just because it means Christmas is coming-which is THE favorite and best on my long list of things, including holidays.

So I wish you all to eat like you have never tasted food. Or like you will never taste food again. Whatever is more motivating.

Oh and be grateful for stuff. Cause that is what it is all about.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

I've been counting down the days...

It's here. My birthday.

And what does that mean, you may ask?

It means I was congratulated multiple times today for successfully living another year.

The culture of birthdays... truly amazing. Isn't it?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Goodness, gracious...great balls of fire!

if you haven't noticed, I have not posted in the longest time ever. Which is a problem. This blog was supposed to keep me blogging (I have attempted, and failed, at the blogging journey too many times before).

Then...WHAM! A thought! What if I was never meant to blog? But how can that be, if it isn't my fault. It's my computer. It crashed. Ya, I know. Cry over your toast tomorrow morning about my computer blowing up in my face. I did.

But what if that is the reason my computer blew up? Now that is scary. So I have come up with a conclusion. I will not stop blogging because of a [minor] set back in the road. I will prove my broken computer wrong. I will succeed!

Take that you HP Mini.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

"Dear Great Pumpkin,

I am looking forward to your arrival on Halloween Night. I hope you will bring me lots of presents.

You must get discouraged because more people believe in Santa Claus than in you. Well, let's face it; Santa Claus has had more publicity, but being #2, perhaps you try harder.

Everyone tells me you are a fake, but I believe in you. P.S.: If you really are a fake, don't tell me. I don't wanna know."


Dear Great Pumpkin,
I believe in you. I will be waiting for your arrival on Halloween Night.

In the most sincere pumpkin patch. With no hypocrisy in sight.


"There are three things I have learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics, and The Great Pumpkin."

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Beginning--

"All glory comes from daring to begin."
--Eugene F. Ware

And so it goes...
There is time for a second chance.